End-to-end encryption

An important part of secure cloud storage

Protect the information where it is created when it is created

End-to-end encryption means that a computer file being shared is encrypted before it is sent, and it stays encrypted until the authorised recipient decrypts it. It is only then that the contents of the file can be accessed again.

The way things usually work when you send files. 

Normally a file you share is sent to the recipient in several stages. These stages take place in different parts of the world. To protect the content of the file it is often encrypted.

The problem with this solution is that it is not complete. It is not uncommon for the content to be decrypted at each stage, and then being encrypted again before it is sent on. This means the content are exposed several times and in different parts of the world.

This is better than having no encryption at all. But it still poses a risk of unauthorised people seeing your data. Especially if they have bad intentions.

If you want to make sure no unauthorised person can access you files during transfer, you have to use end-to-end encryption.

End-to-end encryption in practice

In practice, end-to-end encryption means that users have to have software installed on their computer. This client software handles encryption and the so-called encryption keys. This software is the foundation for securely storing and sharing files in the cloud.

End-to-end encrytion using Synkzone

End-to-end encryption is one of the cornerstones of the Synkzone secure cloud storage and sharing service. It is one of the integral parts needed to provide zero knowledge.

The Synkzone cloud service solution is based on software – a client – being installed on all computers used to access the information. The client handles the encrypting and decrypting of data before it is stored in the cloud or shared with another client. The client computers are the end-points in this solution.

Everything is encrypted and decrypted

The contents of the file are only encrypted or decrypted in the client software. In all other places, the information is encrypted. It is encrypted using the AES-256 standard. Furthermore, we encrypt the data in multiple layers, making an already extremely strong solution even stronger.

Like the files, the encryption keys and passwords are handled using the same strong encryption protection.

In addition to the information being encrypted in the client software and staying encrypted while stored in the cloud or being shared, no one else has access to the encryption keys.

You are in full control over your data at all times.

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